Friday, August 10, 2007

Here we go...woah, stepping out into cyberspace...hang on to the railing folks, the footing is a bit dicey to begin with...

Thirteen days and counting, yet I still have no proof of graduation. (I haven't graduated. This may have something to do with it). No fear Honors house roomies, I am working on it. Five years, plus three months - it is all about timing...

Took the GRE down today. Not so big and scary anymore are you graduate record examination - eh?

Recently devoured book by Anthony Burgess. Reminscent of Vonnegut. I highly recommend it to anyone into the speculative fiction genre. Title: The End of the World News.

And despite the muggy heat, the lake - the learning - the life - all the Beavers out there can relate, continues to be beautiful, til the day and the moment I depart. Will it be the same when I return?

Now, about that degree...


andi said...

tessa! i like! let me know if i can help you out with it in anyway.

hopefully you got your degree? i know you were working hard :) i'm so proud of you! have fun in denmark and take lots of pictures!


Curt J said...

Tessa, Let us know when you get to a permenant address, phone number, etc. and post lots of pictures!